Hello World

Welcome to the RESISTANCE. You've got a lot to catch up on.You've been told that this is the afterlife, that you were chosen to play in a GAME that could grant a WISH of your choosing upon victory. But let's get a few things clear:You are alive. The wish is a lie. And this world is a lie.We fight for freedom and for life. Will you join us?
<< Sci-Fi · Modern Fantasy · Slice of Life · 18+ · Discord-Based >>


** Because all the info and resources you need will be on the pre-server, joining the pre-server is required for applying, but participating is not!Pre-Server / Reserves Open: February 20, 2023
App Checks: February 20th - March 5th, 2023
Application Deadline / Pre-Server Closes: March 12, 2023 11:59 PM


1. This group is 18+, but no NSFW content is allowed.
Jokes here and there are okay, but nothing extensive. If you ever have a question about whether something is "safe to post," you can ask a mod!
2. Discriminatory behavior is NOT permitted.
Treat everyone regardless of their identity with respect! Slurs, offensive remarks, and any forms of discrimination will not be tolerated in this group.
3. Please keep personal disagreements in the DMs.
What happens outside of the group should be kept outside of the group. What happens inside the group can be resolved by contacting a mod.
4. Please tag potential triggers.
Although this group's plot will tackle a number of "darker" themes, this will not be done at the expense of another group member. Please make sure to tag/spoiler any potentially triggering content, and please let me know if you have any triggers that you would like me to steer clear of in the plot. Before a "darker" event, I will give extensive warnings about the content that will be covered.
5. Standard RP etiquette.
No god-modding, always keep open communication, no pressuring into ships, etc.
6. Please keep IC and OOC separate!
Negative IC relationships should not be a reason to treat others badly OOC, and vice-versa!
7. Multiple strikes will lead to a server ban.
You will receive ample warning before this happens.
In general, please stay courteous and treat others with respect! If any conflicts occur, please bring it up to a moderator, as oftentimes these situations can be resolved with a simple conversation. Everyone's here to have funfunfun and play around with our little characters, so let's all do our part to make a safe and loving environment for that to happen!


WORLD is split into four main districts, each housing a number of SOUL CRYSTALS, which serve as the main "power source" for the surrounding area. When a SOUL CRYSTAL is removed from its resting place, its powered area becomes stopped in time and space. Anyone caught in the wave will be trapped forever until the CRYSTAL is restored.The goal of the RESISTANCE is to shut down the GAME forever.As agents of the RESISTANCE, your job is to dismantle the SYSTEM's defenses around the SOUL CRYSTALS, often referred to as FACES. They are the guardians of each district, and thus, the ones who reign over the TRIALS.It's only proper that we bring them to justice.


The CITY is divided into two sectors: the affluent UPPERCITY and the grungy UNDERCITY. Both sectors are essential to the CITY's urban ecosystem, but the tension between them is palpable. Naturally, the rich squash the poor.As the technological hub of the WORLD, the CITY is perpetually shrouded in a nitrogen oxide-based smog that dyes the air a copper-red hue, known as THE CRIMSON. In high concentrations, it can be toxic, with the densest compounds drifting down to the UNDERCITY, where many inhabitants are forced to either wear protective coverings or suffer the consequences of inhaling chemical fumes.The CITY's inhabitants are constantly busy and restless, rushing through their lives like ants in a colony. They're not the kindest hosts, and PLAYERS are often advised to steer clear of them. For us, they can serve as essential means of extracting information. Remember that the citizens here aren't real, they're not like us. They're more akin to lines of code than they are to humans. At the very least, it's easy to blend into a crowd.The FACES of the CITY are impulsive and irritable oligarchs who rule with an iron fist. After all, the CITY is represented by fire: an element that provides warmth while daring to burn everything down. Their TRIALS are modeled after the tenets of the WANDS: creativity, inspiration, determination, and passion.In between the alleys and underneath the ground, the RESISTANCE has taken root in the CITY. This place is our home, the beginnings of revolution.



The people of the CITY enjoy the pleasures of gambling, intoxication, and love in the neon-lit alleyway of the RED LIGHT DISTRICT. Even PLAYERS find themselves indulging in the secret vices of the CITY's underbelly. But beware, for great pleasure often comes with a price.


THE CIRCUS is home to a host of various theatrics, including clowning, musicals, and of course, THE GAME. Inside the tent is a completely malleable space, a pocket dimension that changes shape to fit the parameters required for its performance. They have elephants and lions too!


Located in the UNDERCITY, the RESISTANCE HEADQUARTERS is a sprawling subterranean ecosystem that holds the entire RESISTANCE. The HQ is almost an entire city in and of itself, housing its own greenhouse, dormitories, training facilities, spa/wellness centers, and anything else one would need to live out their days. A person could live their whole life in the HQ and not miss the outside.How has all of this remained hidden from the SYSTEM?Every member of the RESISTANCE signs a contract, a promise to never reveal the secrets of the RESISTANCE to antagonists. A number of individuals have broken the promise in the past, but they've seemingly disappeared without a trace.



Rumors say that anything from anywhere can be bought at this trendy floating superstore. Each of its 100 floors houses its own assortment of products, and at the top is rumored to be the QUEEN OF WANDS, herself. Every year, MACI's holds a grand parade throughout the CITY, and its time is fast approaching.


The crown jewel of the CITY pierces the clouds and shines as bright as the Sun. The penthouse of THE SPIRE is so high up that it reaches above the CRIMSON. The KING and his closest allies are said to be the only ones allowed at the top. For everyone else, there's a gift shop on the first floor.


These lands are yet to be discovered.


These lands are yet to be discovered.


These lands are yet to be discovered.


The GAME is a lie.Advertised as a sure-ticket way to granting your WISH, the GAME has run for years, killing countless innocents in deadly scenarios called TRIALS, where PLAYERS face off against each other to avoid TERMINATION.The FACES of each jurisdiction are said to be the arbiters of the GAME, but not much is known about them other than their code names: the KING, the QUEEN, the KNIGHT, and the PAGE.The TRIALS are numbered from 1 to 10, denoting their difficulty level, and each TRIAL is also inspired by its home jurisdiction's element. As agents of the RESISTANCE, you will often be tasked to infiltrate TRIALS and save the PLAYERS caught in the fray.What is our goal?To bring down the FACES, to save every PLAYER, and to make it out of here ALIVE.This isn't the afterlife. Rather, it's a test. So, why don't you join us?


For the last decade or so, the RESISTANCE, led by GYEONWOO, has aimed to bring down the GAME and save every PLAYER from being terminated in the TRIALS. After much preparation, they finally launched their first steps to tearing down the GAME from the ground-up: stopping the inflow of PLAYERS from the TOWN OF BEGINNINGS.Through the RESISTANCE's efforts, the TOWN was shut down, and in doing so, the GAME has ceased to enroll new PLAYERS into the TRIALS. Along the way, the RESISTANCE saved AETHER, a young knight who realized that he was a human all along.Even after the TOWN's demise, already existing PLAYERS are still fighting for their lives every day. The RESISTANCE aims to save every last one of them by shutting down the GAME for good through gathering the SOUL CRYSTALS. When the GAME is shut down... it's theorized that everyone can return home to Earth. With that goal in mind, the RESISTANCE set out to collect the CRYSTALS from the CITY OF WANDS.So far, the RESISTANCE has successfully captured the CRYSTALS from the PAGE, the KNIGHT, and the QUEEN OF WANDS. It was revealed that the PAGE had once fought in the TRIALS alongside GYEONWOO, and the KNIGHT had been a double agent for the RESISTANCE. Even so, both of them were TERMINATED by the SYSTEM once the CRYSTALS were taken from them.The QUEEN'S CRYSTAL was heavily guarded within the catacombs of MACI'S. Members of the RESISTANCE valiantly completed all of her trials, and finally, in a battle to finish all battles, the QUEEN was killed.In a final bout of guilt, GYEONWOO sacrificed his life to save those in critical condition. We will memorialize him through our efforts to end the GAME once and for all.Now, all that's left is to collect the remaining CRYSTAL from the KING OF WANDS.And I, Lily Ho, will make sure bring these transgressors to JUSTICE.


(click to read)

Gyeonwoo Im
Resistance Leader

Aether Lightforge
Former Knight

Lily Ho
Resistance Agent

My system does not allow me to answer unauthorized questions, but to satisfy your curiosity, I have found a definition from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.ter·mi·na·tion (noun)
end in time or existence: CONCLUSION
I believe that this explains the "term." Haha.Does this meet your needs? If so, please select "I regret asking" to express your apology for breaching THE WORLD's security measures.

You have been CHOSEN as a potential vessel for THE WORLD, and you must prove your merit by completing the TRIALS. If you complete the TRIALS, you will receive a WISH. How fun! :)Perhaps my previous explanation was not as clear as I intended. My script is designed to provide comprehensive information at the simplest level, but I understand that the needs of certain individuals differ from others.Would you like to submit a feedback report on my performance?

My system does not allow me to answer unauthorized questions. As previously explained, the GAME is conducted by the RULERS, who command each jurisdiction.My records suggest that you have asked more questions than the average PLAYER. Congratulations! :) I am sure that your curiosity will aid you when facing the TRIALS.Now, please select "I regret asking" to express your apology for continuing to breach THE WORLD's security measures....

Do you really regret it?You're asking all the right questions, buddy, but it looks like GUIDE might've pinged the higher-ups about your "curiosity." Not a good trait to have, consider it a flag on your record.You should keep your mouth shut if you want to survive. This GAME, everything that they told you up to this point, it's a lie. The only TRUTH is in the PROMISE.I'll get you out of here, just follow me.😏That's an invitation to hold my hand (by the way).

(by dokirakii)

Good, I thought so. Let's get out of here.While we're running, I'll give you a brief on what you can believe and what you can't believe in the simplest way.The GAME is real. The PROMISE is real. TERMINATION means that you die. Got it?The WISH is a lie. The AFTERLIFE is a lie. The WORLD is a lie.You are still alive.We are the RESISTANCE, and we're going to find a way out of h---/////////

// rebooting system...
// calibrating...
// identifying error...
I apologize for the interruption in my services, PLAYER. It seems that our correspondence was intercepted by an unknown radio signal. No need to worry, THE WORLD will soon erase all IMPURITIES in the system.I detected that you may be sensing doubt. THE WORLD is an oyster, and you are the pearl. Remember, pearls are but beautiful impurities. Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything! :)I am only trying to help. Please inform me if you have any additional questions or concerns.


In this WORLD, a PROMISE is the catalyst between people and the ARCANA. No matter how big or small, a PROMISE is meant to be kept, and the power generated from a PROMISE gives birth to MAGIC.If you adhere to your PROMISE, you will reap the benefits of your devotion, but if you break your PROMISE, you will lose all the power you have gained.Each of the ARCANA governs certain metaphysical themes and powers. Not much information is known about them, but what is certain is that they exist. And they aren't allied with the GAME.

beginnings, independence, naivete

A promise with THE FOOL will yield powers related to freedom, risk, and... silliness! Followers of THE FOOL are often youthful, in mind and/or body, and enjoy partaking in fun. Everyone and everything has a beginning, and THE FOOL is the one who beckons you forth.

creation, action, the elements

A promise with THE MAGICIAN will grant you elemental powers: water, fire, earth, or air. Followers of THE MAGICIAN are self-starters, and they often aim to change the world. THE MAGICIAN, in turn, provides the building blocks of the universe for them to toy with.

the subconscious, emotions, wisdom

THE HIGH PRIESTESS smiles on HER followers by granting them powers related to the mind, emotions, and intelligence. Followers of THE HIGH PRIESTESS are often the cerebral types, in tune with their body and mind. THE HIGH PRIESTESS guides them towards enlightenment.

abundance, nature, fertility

Subjects of THE EMPRESS are granted HER power of healing, growth, and beauty. Many subjects are providers, people who give without expecting return. They mend new wounds and patch old scars while planting new seeds that will grow into fruition.

leadership, power, protection

Subjects of THE EMPEROR are granted HIS power of authority, protection, and iron. Many subjects are leaders who don't stray from a fight. They are stubborn and inflexible, but their steadfast conviction is undeniable.

knowledge, tradition, clairvoyance

Promises with THE HIEROPHANT are often related to devotion. THE HIEROPHANT grants HIS followers powers related to divination, history, and learning. The future is unknown, but THE HIEROPHANT provides solace through structure and foundation.

compassion, bonds, decisions

Followers of THE LOVERS are corralled into THEIR dance, gaining powers related to love, relationships, and choice. Not every follower is as compassionate as you may expect, but all are ensnared in the whirlwind of THE LOVERS, whether they like it or not.

focus, ambition, speed

Followers of THE CHARIOT practice magic related to movement, speed, and electricity. Many followers are driven individuals who continue to move forward, no matter what lies ahead. THE CHARIOT rides on, unwavering, undaunting, and unending.

determination, willpower, courage

A promise with STRENGTH will grant magic related to physical prowess, endurance, and health. Followers of STRENGTH are fortresses of vitality, not ones to back down from a fight. But STRENGTH is not all brawn, it also represents the power from within.

guidance, isolation, discovery

THE HERMIT grants magic related to navigation, detection, and seclusion. Followers of THE HERMIT are oysters who do not show their pearl to the outside, but within them is often deep knowledge and reflection. A single candle lights the darkness of a dark cavern.

luck, flow, cycles

Followers of THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE are said to believe in the Law of Cycles, an endless loop which dictates the flow of the universe. Promises with THE WHEEL grant powers related to luck and destiny. THE WHEEL suggests that everything will come around in due time.

truth, retribution, secrets

A promise with JUSTICE grants powers related to balance, truth, and secrets. Everyone hides behind lies and painted smiles to maintain a thin veneer of peace. Cut through the smoke to find the truth, and JUSTICE waits on the other side.

intuition, new perspectives, sacrifice

Followers of THE HANGED MAN gain powers related to sense, tradeoff, and gravity. THE HANGED MAN teaches that in helplessness, one must trust in the universe, and one must trust in themselves. While hanging, you may see the world in a new light.

transformation, change, the end

DEATH is the inevitable end of all existence. Its followers are granted powers related to passage and transfiguration. As grim as DEATH sounds, nothing can begin without an end. To change, one must eventually turn the knob, leave all behind, and pass through.

patience, moderation, harmony

TEMPERANCE grants its followers powers related to time. As steady as a metronome and as patient as a seed, TEMPERANCE represents the inner peace that many seek in the afterlife. Followers know time as a precious commodity, not to be wasted.

fear, bondage, temptation

THE DEVIL's followers are granted the powers of ensnarement, terror, and temptation. But beware, THE DEVIL is known for its hefty promises in return for lofty rewards. Previous followers were often desperate, though some relished in the power THE DEVIL provided.

chaos, upheaval, destruction

THE TOWER is a structure which is bound for disaster. Its followers are loose cannons who gain magic related to destruction, chaos, and explosion. One must destroy in order to rebuild anew. Through chaos, we breed new hope, like a bird escaping from the wreckage behind.

hope, inspiration, opportunity

Followers of THE STAR are often bringers of good-will and joy in their community. THE STAR grants magic related to astronomy and wishes. Those devoted to THE STAR may push themselves to their limits to reach for their highest hopes, only to fall tumbling down.

mystery, darkness, dreams

The stars may dot the sky, but THE MOON sheds light into the night. Followers of THE MOON are granted powers related to deception, darkness, and dreams. A thin boundary exists between reality and fantasy. THE MOON guides its followers along the precipice.

achievement, light, happiness

THE SUN grants its followers powers related to light, optimism, and heat. The source of all light in the universe, THE SUN reminds all of us to stay positive despite the worst situations. But, even the brightest light may one day be snuffed by the dark.

renewal, awakening, reckoning

A promise with JUDGEMENT may grant powers related to resurrection, execution, and punishment. A select few are allowed to seek the call of JUDGEMENT, as only a select few can withstand the weight of a promise that can carry the deity's power.

completion, finality

The WORLD is a lie.


Strong practitioners of magic can perform a CALL. Although not much information is known about this phenomenon, it is said to release a tremendous amount of magical energy, perhaps enough to call upon the ARCANA themselves to your aid.

What do you fight for?


Your AVATAR is the physical representation of your being - a visual manifestation of your SOUL. An AVATAR consists of four components: appearance, profile, aspect, and magic.


The people of WORLD come in all shapes, sizes, races, and cultures, as their appearance is merely a representation of their SOULS. Some have sets of wings, some have horns, some have cat ears. Others have glass eyes or wooden legs.Although each district has its own taste in fashion, the WORLD itself has no limits. Perhaps you would like to wear something from your previous life? Or, perhaps this is an opportunity to start over. Your AVATAR's appearance and clothing will serve as the "base" form of themselves.* For your application, please include a full-body, full-color image of your character or a detailed written description of their appearance. You may also include a Picrew with a written description. As long as other players know what your character looks like, all is good!


Please fill out the following personal information.Name: No surname needed.
Age: All PLAYERS must be over the age of 18. The PLAYER's age is however they would like to present, regardless of time of death in their previous life.
Special Traits: Do you have traits from a specific spirit/animal/being that affect your appearance?
For our records, we will also require a personality examination and a biography.Personality: 500 words or less, in prose or bullet points, please summarize your personality. I suggest you include at least three positive traits and three negative traits.
Biography: 500 words or less, in prose or bullet points, please summarize your history. All PLAYERS originate from modern Earth. All PLAYERS retain memories from their previous lives, except the cause or event of their death. Who are you? Or, who were you? What is your WISH? What is your PROMISE? Details of a biography are allowed to be hidden from other players, but please inform a MODERATOR about which portions will be kept secret.
You may also include optional information about yourself: likes/dislikes, playlists, moodboards, etc.* For your application, please include your character's personal information, personality, and biography. In this group, all player characters are originally humans from modern Earth, but that doesn't mean their avatar can't have wings or horns or other features. No character knows how they "died," and all characters are relatively new to WORLD.Every character joined the Resistance for some reason or another, please make sure to include that reason in the biography section. Some characters may have joined after being rescued from a trial, or maybe they joined in the last "wave" of newcomers before the Town was destroyed. All members of the Resistance participate in missions as agents, but some individuals also work jobs within the HQ, like farming, cooking, administration, etc.All player characters are relatively new to the Resistance. If you would like your character to have had some more experience in the Resistance (more than a year or so), then please ask a moderator for approval!


Every PLAYER has a special ASPECT, which is a part of their identity that may aid them during EVENTS. ASPECTS are not magic, and they do not solely provide advantages. Rather, an ASPECT is a significant part of a PLAYER's being that factors into their personality, decisions, and outcome. Perhaps you have high heat tolerance, or love salty foods, or maybe you are especially good at playing Checkers.Often, the most interesting ASPECTS have a trade-off.For example:

This is Dakota. Dakota is a new PLAYER.Dakota's aspect is "Will Not Kill People" because they have a firm belief in the importance of life and its preservation. How thoughtful of them!Because of their ASPECT, Dakota, even during TRIALS, will never choose to kill another person. This could earn them respect from other PLAYERS, increasing their potential in finding friendship and allies when teamwork is needed.However, Dakota would rather be killed than kill someone else. That may lead to their detriment in a future TRIAL, when killing is the only option. Their positive trait can harm them in the end.

Besides the ASPECT, each PLAYER also has STATS that indicate their aptitude in the following attributes:
Strength (STR): physical power, endurance, and vitality.
Dexterity (DEX): agility, balance, and coordination.
Sense (SEN): memory, logic, and perception.
Charisma (CHA): persuasion, leadership, and popularity.
Magic (MAG): all usage of magic
Each point in an attribute represents what is added to the sum of a ROLL. For example, if a PLAYER conducts a ROLL for STRENGTH and rolls a 10, they will then add the number of points they have in STRENGTH to their roll. Negative points are possible, and ±3 points is the maximum and minimum.All PLAYERS begin with zero points in all STATS, and a PLAYER's ASPECT cannot influence their STATS. However, there will be ample opportunity to hone your skills and advance to new heights throughout the campaign!In addition, your PROMISE grants you a latent buff or nerf to certain attributes. See the table below to allocate the proper number of points.* For your application, please list your character's aspect as a simple phrase, one that is understandable without explanation. Your character's aspect does not need to be related in any way to their promise. During an RP, you can "tap" your character's aspect to shift the choices in their favor (... or the GM can "tap" for their detriment). This is a way for you to make sure your character is true to themselves no matter what situation they're thrown into! Aspects are subject to moderator approval and will be reviewed with the rest of the application.Make sure to allocate points to each of their STATS according to the table below!

The Fool000+10
The Magician0000+1
The High Priestess00+100
The Empress0-1+10+1
The Emperor+1-10+10
The Hierophant-1-1+300
The Lovers00-1+20
The Chariot0+2-100
The Hermit-10+200
The Wheel of Fortune00000
The Hanged Man0-1+200
The Devil000+10
The Tower+20-100
The Star0+1000
The Moon00+100
The Sun000+10


All magic begins with a PROMISE made to one of the ARCANA. The ARCANA, in turn, grant the PLAYER abilities that hail from their realm.Each PLAYER has one PRIMARY ATTUNEMENT: their special magic skill that derives from the power of their PROMISE. Although PLAYERS are unable to perform magic outside of their ARCANA's realm, they may eventually acquire ENHANCEMENTS to their magic within their ARCANA's realm.For example:

This is Dakota.Dakota's PROMISE to THE EMPRESS is: "I will always be altruistic whenever I can."In turn, THE EMPRESS grants him his PRIMARY ATTUNEMENT: the ability to heal minor wounds.Dakota may eventually gain an ENHANCEMENT to heal larger wounds, grow plants at will, or to glow in absolute beauty, but they will never gain the ability to control fire or locate hidden objects.

Although the possibilities of magic are endless, all ATTUNEMENTS are subject to the approval of the MODERATORS. Magics do not have to be complex to be useful or unique, and it is encouraged that powerful magics are balanced with an equally significant trade-off.Remember, the PROMISE is the centerpiece of any magic. It is the catalyst through which magic flows into the PLAYER. If a PLAYER breaks their PROMISE for any reason, their magic will weaken until it permanently disappears.For example:

This is Dakota.Dakota's PROMISE to THE EMPRESS is: "I will always be altruistic whenever I can."Dakota sees an elderly individual who needs help crossing the street, but a puppy is begging them for food at their feet. Because the puppy is closer, Dakota decides to feed the puppy instead of helping the elderly individual.Dakota broke their PROMISE. They were able-bodied; they could have fed the puppy while simultaneously helping the elderly individual, but they did not even try.When attempting to heal their friend later that day, they realize that they can no longer perform even the most basic spell.Dakota is sad.

Dakota cannot use their magic for a duration of time after breaking their PROMISE. After repeated offenses, they must forge a new, stronger PROMISE with THE EMPRESS in order to restore their magic to its previous level.Do not be like Dakota. Always keep your PROMISE.* For your application, please write your character's promise as a simple sentence and try to avoid conditionals like "if" or "only when." Promises must be related in some way to the ARCANA your character is magically affiliated with and must be related in some way to your character's primary attunement, but they do not have to be related to your character's aspect.Please note that a significant part of RP will involve characters deciding whether or not to break their promise. So, I suggest choosing something that means something for your character, something they feel like they'd absolutely keep, but actually may not.Also, make sure to describe your character's primary attunement. Include two tiers of potential magic enhancements (like a skill tree). These enhancements will be unlocked through activity in the group, pending approval from moderators. All attunements are subject to approval by the moderators and will be reviewed with the rest of the application.

When your AVATAR is complete, please submit it to a MODERATOR for review.



On the outskirts of THE CITY OF WANDS lies a quaint town known for its role of introducing PLAYERS to the WORLD. Still shaken from your encounter with the RESISTANCE, you find a home among the rolling green hills and under the blue sky. Your time in the TOWN is cut short as PLAYERS prepare for the first TRIAL.


After breaking out of your first trial, you're led to the underbelly of the CITY OF WANDS, where you find yourself at the center of the RESISTANCE. Towering skyscrapers, dense smog, and blinding lights. Could there be a secret hiding beneath the CITY's bright visage?


Two FACES down, two crystal shards collected, and two more to go. Preparations for a grand parade, revelations of your continued mortality, and finally, a mole within the RESISTANCE. The lights are beautiful, but their brightness blinds us form the truth.

level zero

Welcome to the TUTORIAL. My name is GUIDE, and I will lead you through the preparation needed for your first TRIAL.



A town known for its role in introducing players to the WORLD while also serving as the site of the first TRIAL. Food is abundant in the TOWN, as its sprawling agricultural industry provides its citizens with more than enough to share. All PLAYERS live in the TOWN's dormitories for the duration of two weeks. Although life in the TOWN is only temporary, many PLAYERS feel at ease in the place, saying that it feels like home.


The RESISTANCE has caused the SYSTEM to face numerous lapses ever since its conception. This band of outlaws routinely commits acts of terror in the name of "justice." Despite the SYSTEM's efforts to stop these villains, no one knows who or what leads them. Beware, the RESISTANCE is known to hijack TRIALS and kill PLAYERS indiscriminately. Their motive is clear: to never let anyone win the GAME.


I lack the data to identify this individual. I believe that you encountered him during the ORIENTATION. If you have any information regarding his appearance, please immediately file a report.


Known lovingly as "Helmet Boy," AETHER is a newly appointed soldier of the KINGDOM OF CUPS. Although he may seem inexperienced, AETHER received top marks at the KNIGHT'S ACADEMY, especially in the fields of swordsmanship and interpersonal development. He will aid you in preparing for the first TRIAL.


WRITING: the beginning

How has your character adapted to living in the TOWN OF BEGINNINGS? What do they think about their encounter with the RESISTANCE? What do they think about AETHER? Have they trained with him? What have they done so far to prepare?Submit a written piece answering any of the above questions and receive 1 Bit to be used for future shop purchases.

ART: trial uniform

During the TRIALS, PLAYERS wear standard uniforms to ensure all conditions are fair and equal. Although uniforms may be altered to accommodate for weather, physical characteristics, and personal preference, all uniforms must adhere to the certain guidelines set by the SYSTEM.Draw your character in a tracksuit and receive 1 Bit to be used for future shop purchases. You have full creative liberty as to what your character's tracksuit looks like, as long as it is a tracksuit.

TASK: character application

Complete your character's application and receive 1 Bit to be used for future shop purchases. A completed application includes the following components: appearance, profile, aspect, and magic.Applications may be housed on any platform (ToyHouse, Google Doc, Carrd, etc) as long as they are easily accessible to ALL players.

EVENT: picnic

AETHER has prepared a wonderful picnic. Under the shade of the GRAND OAK TREE, all PLAYERS are invited to join AETHER and enjoy the refreshing breeze while meeting others. I hope you like apple pie.Join our first RP event and receive 1 Bit to be used for future shop purchases. Date and time to be announced.

TRIAL: the ace of wands

The first TRIAL in the GAME is held inside the MAIN BARN, the largest structure of the TOWN. By passing this TRIAL, PLAYERS prove their merit to participate in the GAME. Like any other TRIAL, PLAYERS who lose will be terminated.Join our first trial, "The Ace of Wands," and receive 1 Bit to be used for future shop purchases. Date and time to be announced.

level one

Having barely escaped a fiery death, the Players step into the welcoming embrace of the CITY OF WANDS, where they are recruited into the RESISTANCE.For now, you've been told to focus on your training, to learn the inner workings of the organization, and to complete missions as you're able.You have a feeling that the gears are turning. Everyone's waiting in anticipation for something big to happen.



The CITY is divided into two sectors: the thriving and affluent UPPERCITY and the not-so-thriving and not-so-affluent UNDERCITY. Both sectors are essential to the CITY's urban ecosystem, but the tension between them is palpable. Naturally, the rich squash the poor.


An underground organization bent on ensuring the survival of as many PLAYERS as possible while dismantling the GAME. They believe that by gathering all the SOUL CRYSTALS, the GAME will be shut down for good, destroying WORLD and setting all PLAYERS free.


The leader of the RESISTANCE. He has immense magical power, strong connections,... and a track record for being a heartbreaker. Through his agents, he seems to know everything about everywhere and everyone. Although he seems suspicious at first, you've come to realize that he's a gracious and effective leader. After all, he's led an entire organization up to this point. "Cold hands, but a warm heart," as his agents often say about him.


After narrowly escaping death and learning about the true nature of WORLD, Aether has gone through a drastic change in appearance, an indication of his changing SOUL. Despite following you all the way to the RESISTANCE HEADQUARTERS, Aether has decided to disaffiliate from the RESISTANCE. He now acts on his own, somewhat of a mercenary, and somewhat of a vigilante.


The "heart" of every jurisdiction. Removing a SOUL CRYSTAL leads to the total destruction of its home jurisdiction. Time stands still, space rends, and anyone caught in the ensuing wave of darkness will meet their inevitable end. The true objective of the Resistance is to steal the Soul Crystals from each jurisdiction. In doing so, they aim to dismantle the System, the Game, and the murder of innocent Players for good by cutting off WORLD's source of power.


Located in the UNDERCITY, the RESISTANCE HEADQUARTERS is a sprawling subterranean ecosystem that holds the entire RESISTANCE. The HQ is almost an entire city in and of itself, housing its own greenhouse, dormitories, training facilities, spa/wellness centers, and anything else one would need to live out their days. A person could live their whole life in the HQ and not miss the outside.How has all of this remained hidden from the SYSTEM?Every member of the RESISTANCE signs a contract, a promise to never reveal the secrets of the RESISTANCE to antagonists. A number of individuals have broken the promise in the past, but they've seemingly disappeared without a trace.


WRITING: Resistance Life

What is your character's life like in the RESISTANCE? Have they gone on any missions and what kinds? Has your character explored the CITY? What have they found, who have they met? What are your character's opinions about Gyeonwoo? What is your character's motivation to join the RESISTANCE?Write anything related to your character's new life in the RESISTANCE to receive a MISSION BONUS when submitting for BITS. (Repeatable)

ART: Outfit Change

HQ wants you to blend in better among the CITY's inhabitants. Please review the materials given to you, plan your preferred selection of clothing, and submit for reimbursement.Draw your character in UNDERCITY and/or UPPERCITY FASHION to receive a MISSION BONUS when submitting for BITS. (Repeatable)Fashion Reference


Throughout the months of July and August 2022, you may respond to daily prompts with art and/or writing to earn BITS and RAFFLE TICKETS. At the end of the mission, the TWO WINNERS of the raffle will earn themselves a very special, unreleased, and secret item.Please refer to the details in the Discord server.



You've heard rumors of the raucous laughter bleeding out of the CIRCUS being replaced with screams of terror. As you approach the tent, the shrill sound of a flute peals through the air. This madness must be stopped, and the only way to do so... is to race for it.


Within the fog of lust and intoxication, you notice a gathering of PLAYERS sitting at a roundtable with a man. Cards flip over as SOULS are converted into gambling chips. All-in. They all fold over. Reaped for what they sowed. Noticing your observing look, the man motions for you to join, winking.

level 1.5

After defeating the PAGE and KNIGHT OF WANDS, the RESISTANCE has found itself at a crossroads: who do you believe?With a mole hidden among your ranks, it becomes increasingly dangerous to trust any of your supposed allies. You've begun to wonder who may be working against you (and why).Even so, the CITY moves on, unfaltered by recent events, and above it all, the KING and QUEEN watch on, waiting for your call.



At this point, you're well aware of Gyeonwoo's reliability as a leader but dubiety as an individual. You can often find him poring over investigation reports submitted by his agents and drinking ten cups of coffee a day. To your chagrin, though, his work commitments won't stop him from flirting with you.As you learn more about Gyeonwoo's past, you've begun to piece together his motive for the rebellion. Perhaps he's more kindhearted than you thought he was?


You'll often find Aether bloodied and battered from his overzealous participation in rescue missions. He's definitely worse for wear, and you've begun to wonder if it's right for him to constantly push the boundary of his limits.Could there be something amiss that's making him push himself farther than before?Regardless, you've noticed Aether's been better about opening himself back up to people. He's finding his way back to you.


You're convinced that Lily's seen it all, having been in the Resistance for who knows how long. Assertive, clever, and sharp-tongued, Lily comes off as the center of the Resistance's gossip -- especially considering her position in the News Department. She's also by far the closest to Gyeonwoo's social circle.What could be her connections to Gyeonwoo?


You've heard his name floating around, and you recognize his face from the visions at the Tulip Festival, but you don't know who he is.Who is Gwang Ho?And why was he seen among the flowers?


WRITING: Work-Life Balance

Everyone at the Resistance has a job of some sort, and when people have jobs, they have company tea. What role does your character fill in the Resistance? What do they do? Who do they work with? How do they work with them?Write anything related to your character's work-life in the Resistance to receive a MISSION BONUS when submitting for BITS. (Repeatable)

ART: Outfit Change

HQ wants you to blend in better among the CITY's inhabitants. Please review the materials given to you, plan your preferred selection of clothing, and submit for reimbursement.Draw your character in UNDERCITY and/or UPPERCITY FASHION to receive a MISSION BONUS when submitting for BITS. (Repeatable)Fashion Reference

SPECIAL MISSION: Spring Cleaning

Throughout the months of April and May 2023, you may respond to daily prompts with art and/or writing to earn BITS and RAFFLE TICKETS. At the end of the mission, the TWO WINNERS of the raffle will earn themselves a VETERAN FILE.Please refer to the details in the Discord server.



Don't ask why, just do.It seems like the Recreational Department of the Resistance has planned a bonding event involving the age-old Earthly tradition of wearing black-and-white garb and serving drinks while making cat noises... or so you've heard.The kicker: these cocktails seem to have strange effects... why not take a sip?Join this GAME EVENT for a silly and fun time involving spiked drinks, ridiculous character interactions, and nyan nyans!


The HQ is in need of some supplies, and you've been tasked with acquiring them from the largest superstore in the district: MACI'S.With 100 floors to explore, it'll be a struggle to find all that you need... and you may end up discovering things that you didn't sign up for.Join this event for casual exploration and fun shopping moments! This is a more lighthearted PLOT EVENT that will lead into later developments.


Hosted by the QUEEN herself, the Grand Parade extends throughout the entire City, hosting Trials upon Trials throughout its duration, a massacre numbering in the thousands.You've been tasked with one of your biggest rescue missions yet: to infiltrate as many Trials as you can and stop the QUEEN in her tracks.This is a DEATH-ENABLED MULTI-DAY PLOT EVENT that will involve heavier elements and significant story progression. If you join the event, please keep to its more serious tone, and come with the expectation of potentially darker themes.This event will also be SIGN-UP ONLY, as each experience will be personalized based on the characters in the session. I will do my best to make sure as many people as possible are able to participate!


You've been invited by the KING himself to the top of The Spire: a space only known to the KING's closest allies. As the most influential FACE in the City, the KING must surely know the truth about this world.Who are you? Why were you chosen to be here? Are you still alive? What is your goal?To learn the answers, all you can do is ascend the steps.This is a PLOT EVENT with very significant lore drops and story progression. It will be a mind-bending experience that will make you (and your character) wonder what is the truth and whether you can believe it or not.If you join this event, please keep to its serious tone, and come with the expectation of potentially darker themes.